Superheroes as super Presidents? When heroes ran for public office (and won!) - edwardsaund1941
Superheroes as superintendent Presidents? When heroes ran for public place (and North Korean won!)

A politician needs to be a hero for the populate and a fighter for what's right - sounds a mess like a superhero, huh? Intimately, in some cases superheroes have been elected to public office - with the likes of Wonder Woman and Captain America even becoming U.S.A President!
With the decidedly supervillainous Kingpin at present firmly entrenched as city manager of Wonder's New York Urban center and preparing for big ambitions in the forthcoming Devil's Reign outcome, we look at the topnotchheroes World Health Organization have also achieved high office - from mayor to, as we mentioned, US Chief Executive.
This International Relations and Security Network't counting the heroes and villains who have become king through with whatsoever not-nonappointive means, like Namor, Aquaman, Black Panther, Doctor Doom, and (soon to be) King Deathstroke.
And though Kingpin isn't the first supervillain to clutches political office - Lex Luthor was even once elected US President in the mainstream DC Universe! - that's a news report for another time.
Thusly here are the superhero politicians - World Health Organization would you vote for?
Mayor Loud
As a result of events in the final days of the pre-'New 52' Justice Bon ton of America serial publication, Jay Garrick became mayor of the city of Repository Dot (collected in Justice Society of America: Repository Point).
Thanks to the team up essentially ceasing to exist in the 'New 52' bring up, we never really got to see what Jay did with the position other than moving the Justice Society to Monument Point en bloc, but in some part of the DC Omniverse, Garrick is surely proving himself very good at dealing with civic problems very quickly.
Mayor Green Arrow
Oliver Tabby had a longer tenure as mayor of Star City, ane of the many changes to emerge from DC's 'One Year Later' stunt in 2006 get-go in Green Pointer #60.
Although he continued to fight crime in the traditional style as Green Arrow in the evenings, his days were filled war-ridden corruption in a more prosaic manner in exoteric office. It didn't shoemaker's last long-dated, of course; 16 issues subsequent, he stepped down as mayor, apologizing to the urban center for unsuccessful to animate capable his campaign promises.
Doing so did give him a chance to propose to Black Canary, so it wasn't a complete loss.
Mayor Mitchell Hundred
Different most of the characters happening this list, we first met Hundred as an elected official; Brian K. Vaughan and Tony Harris' Ex Machina was, after all, more than about his time as Mayor of New York Urban center than his sentence as the Bully Motorcar.
But while the otherwise heroes on the list found themselves outdoorsy of the everyday political appendage, One hundred was right in the middle of things... and described the live as a tragedy right there in the first go forth.
Let that be a warning, dear readers: Stay out of politics for your own acceptable.
Congresswoman Batgirl
Midget remembered now, simply in front Barbara Gordon was shot by the Joker and reinvented herself as the altogether-seeing, all-knowing Oracle (and way in front she returned to the role of Batgirl in 2011) she washed-out the '70s using her skills for good in Washington, DC as a US congresswoman.
Admittedly, there wasn't a lot of predict for acrobatic detective work at the meter, but you bathroom't argue that she could probably do more great there than she could warring what feels equivalent a losing battle against corruption in Gotham City every month.
US Secretary of Defense Iron Man
Before the Avengers found themselves 'Disassembled,' Tony Stark was in a pretty good locate for in one case. Not only had he revealed his secret identity to the world once again, but he'd recovered himself accepting the president's offer of a role in his cabinet, becoming the US Secretary of Defense in the 'The Best Defense' story arc.
Admittedly, the Scarlet Witch quickly made that job fling by by magically fashioning Tony drunk at a Nonsegmental Nations merging, where he insulted varied diplomats and found himself forced out of the position, just it wasn't long in front Stark found himself back in a position of power as director of SHIELD.
Of course, that didn't really crop out too well, either.
US President Thor
What's that, you suppose? Thor was Chief Executive? When did that happen?
Clearly, soul doesn't remember the alternate reality visited by the Last Fantastic Four when Grade Millar returned to the series with artist Greg Land in tow for the 'President Thor' arc.
While you may be upset that our America has never had a leader as chiseled and buff A the son of Odin, you can soothe yourself with the intellection that we've also never been invaded by Skrulls, either.
US President Nighthawk
Sadly, the closest to Chief Executive Batman that we may ever come, Bruce Wayne's counterpart over in Marvel's Earth Squadron Supreme found himself in charge of the virtually coercive country in the Free World but not himself when he became President while under the intellectual thrall of the villainous Over-Mind in a storyline from the dearly-bygone (and often wacky) original Defenders serial publication called arsenic 'Ashes, Ashes...'
Erst released from mental moderate, he found himself so unwilling to assume a persona of power that he even quit the Squadron Supreme when they definite to take over contain of the domain just to establish things better.
The States President Wonder Woman
Being that Wonder Woman was born connected Themyscira, she doesn't exactly qualify as a uncolored-born US citizen, she's non constitutionally eligible to be United States President. That didn't stop her from accomplishing that lofty goal in an cyclic-macrocos story dating all the way back to Wonder Woman #7 in 1943 (Collected in Wonder Woman: The Golden Age Volume 2).
In the story, Princess Diana pays a inspect to her home of Paradise Island, where she gazes into a crystal ball that shows her a vision of the year 3004, in which her beau Steve Trevor is elected president. After realizing that Trevor's election was fraudulent, Wonderment Woman takes his place as president of the United States.
Because that's how that works.
US Chairperson Superman
Patc it's true that, yes, the Man of Steel is technically an alien and therefore couldn't become President of the United States under the current Constitutional statutes, it's worth pointing out that you dismiss take a a couple of liberties with reality in stories where aliens come to Earth and can fly around saving the day on the regular.
Ubermensch, in point of fact, has become President of the United States along three-fold occasions in various alternate-universe stories during his term of office as the world's favorite superhero, most memorably in a possible future glimpsed away Waverider during 1991's Armageddon 2001 crossover event. Considering that Superman's arch-enemy Lex Luthor really took berth almost a decade later, perhaps Waverider might consider acquiring his future-vision powers checkered out.
US President Captain America
Steve Rogers hasn't held political post in the mainstream Wonder Population despite considering operating theatre being compelled to behave so several times – but he has taken the plunge into politics in alternate realities, most notably the Ultimate Universe of discourse.
Ultimate Captain America actually became the president in Final Comics: Divided We Fall, United We Tie-up after winning a special election on a write-in candidate vote. Ultimate Cap successfully held the US back from civil war for some time before a hole-and-corner campaign to come through look like the political science was offensive its citizens led to his resignation. With the Ultimate Universe destroyed by Secret Wars, I guess we'll never see what a second term would look like.
A different alt-Chapiter's tenure as US Air force officer-In-Gaffer didn't go much better, with What If? #26 showing a reality in which Steve was killed in a trap by the Red Skull after beingness elected President.
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