
Genshin Impact Frostbearing Tree, Crimson Agate and how to find it and level up - edwardsaund1941

Genshin Impact Frostbearing Tree, Violent Agate you bet to find information technology and unwavering upward

genshin impact frostbearing tree
(Image credit: miHoYo)

The Genshin Impact Frostbearing Corner in Dragonspine has been part of the game for a piece. However, if you're novel to this snowy region or you haven't full upgraded your Tree yet, it's important to do so for extra rewards.

You'Re probably interested in the free Wishes, but the Frostbearing Tree diagram upgrades wish also suffer you a large stack of Mora, enhancement materials, and even a single Dragonspine glider. Unlocking the Frostbearing Tree is only the first step though; you also need to travel just about the mountains and see the Crimson Agate locations.

Once you reach a certain level on the Frostbearing Tree, you can do the challenges to reach higher levels. But until then, here's how you find the Frostbearing Tree diagram and find the first ten Crimson Agate locations!

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How to unlock the Genshin Impact Frostbearing Corner

genshin impact frostbearing tree

(Image credit: miHoYo)

The Frostbearing Tree icon is non visible on your map if you haven't discovered and freed it yet. Later on you move in the Dragonspine region from the research camping site (this is also where the Dragonspine questline starts), just follow the moving and you wish come across a overlarge ice shard. Paimon will make a remark about it when you are close-knit enough.

The Frostbearing Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree is treed inside the ice, but the game doesn't Tell you that. It also doesn't tell you how to free it, but it's non that difficult. Don't try to shatter the ice right-handed away though; you postulate to collect Scarlet Quartz to melt information technology. Every time you pick up a while of Quartz, go directly to the ice shard and habit an attack (Pattern Attack testament doh). You motivation to do this four times to melt the ice completely and unlock the Frostbearing Tree.

This is where you can find the 4 Scarlet Quartz pieces:

  • Succeeding to the road piece walk-to towards the Frostbearing Tree; right side.
  • When you stand in front of the ice sherd, arrest to your left; thither's a big Mitachurl sitting next to information technology.
  • On the right side of the road, but a trifle high on the rocks. There are some enemies here as well.
  • Bottom the ice shard, in the grass.

How to find Genshin Touch on Crimson Agate

genshin impact frostbearing tree

(Image credit: miHoYo)

Straight off that you unlocked the Frostbearing Tree, you can see its location happening the map. You butt also start leveling it to get your rewards. Systematic to do so, you need to defecate offerings of promising Red River stones called Crimson Agate. The only problem is… where to see Ruby-red Agate?

Make sure you do non confuse Crimson Agate with Scarlet Quartz, because they look up to middling likewise. Other than the Scarlet Quartz, Crimson Agate is shaped like a blossom and glowing. It's also a lot harder to find. There are at least 80 Crimson Agate locations, just these are the first ten that you can easily find in the starting area of Dragonspine. This is enough to get you your first Frostbearing Tree upgrade.

  • 1. Use the nigh Scarlet Quartz to melt the ice and get the Crimson Agate.
  • 2. Climb the rocks.
  • 3. Next to the Frostbearing Tree. Only obtainable after freeing the Tree from the frosting.
  • 4. Along top of the rock.
  • 5. Glide drink down from the previous location; information technology's floating in the air.
  • 6. Ascent the Brobdingnagian logic gate, jump to get the Crimson Agate.
  • 7. In the middle of the circle, aimless in everyone's thoughts. Go up and glide toss off to get it.
  • 8. Defeat the mechanical guard, and then use the mechanism to get free of the H2O. Jump down and open the chest. There's a Crimson Agate inside.
  • 9. You can see it from the nearby Teleport Waypoint. Glide down from there.
  • 10. Glide down from nearby rocks.

Keep an eye on your mini map while exploring the rest of Dragonspine. Just like the Anemoculi and Geoculi, every meter you bewilder close to a piece of Crimson Agate the icon testament show up along the map out.

Genshin Impact Crimson Wish missions

genshin impact frostbearing tree

(Image credit entry: miHoYo)

The add up of Crimson Agate you can find in the wild is constricted. After reaching Frostbearing Tree level 8, you will unlock the Crimson Wish missions. Completing these missions will wages you with Crimson Agate, which you require to use to upgrade the Frostbearing Tree diagram to the maximum level of 12. There are Phoebe Crimson Wishes available at a sentence, and they volition freshen every Monday and Friday.

Frostbearing Shoetree Rewards

genshin impact frostbearing tree

(Image credit: miHoYo)

The rewards from offer Violent Agate to the Frostbearing Tree are quite an different. There are twelve different levels which all Duncan James Corrow Grant Adventure Rank experience, Mora, and weapon enhancement (take down-up) materials, plus one special item. This is A level of all the uncommon items you can get from offering Crimson Agate to the Frostbearing Tree diagram, summation their purpose:

  • Wishes: three Acquaint Weird Sisters and one Tangled Fate. You can drop these happening the corresponding Want banners to get a untried weapon or eccentric.
  • Character experience material: use this to level the characters you already have.
  • Northlander Polearm Prototype: a lowborn material used to make any craftable 4-star topology polearm at a blacksmith station.
  • Namecard: to beautify your profile.
  • Diagram: Frostbearer. This is the crafting recipe to make the Frostbearer Catalyst.
  • Crown of Insight: a rare character level dormy material.
  • Farting Glider: Wings of Hiding Snow. Nary resolve another than making you the most trend-setting person in Teyvat.
  • Diagram: Calefacient Nursing bottle. This is a specialised item which is very ready to hand to survive Dragonspine. Read on to discover how you make this item.

How to get a Genshin Impact Warming Bottle

genshin impact frostbearing tree

(Image credit: miHoYo)

The Heating Bottle recipe is unlocked at level 4 of the Frostbearing Tree. It will protect you from Dragonspine's harsh climate by slowing down the Sheer Refrigerant process, thusly IT's great to role while searching for Crimson Agate and doing Crimson Compliments quests.

To make one, you need to attend a crafting station. There is one in Mondstadt and in Liyue Harbor. A for the materials, you penury Flaming Flower Stamens and Starsilver. The first can be institute all over Teyvat; just use either a Hydro or Cryo skill on the lit flower to collect it. The last mentioned is a virgin, communal resource which can single be found in Dragonspine.

Now you know everything you need to find Crimson Agate, upgrade your Frostbearing Tree, and fit your new countersink of Wings!

Marloes Valentina Stella

I'm a freelance diary keeper who (surprise!) kind of has a affair for videogames. When I'm non working on guides for GamesRadar, you potty probably recover me someplace in Teyvat, Novigrad, operating room Whiterun. Unless I'm feeling private-enterprise, in which vitrine you should try Erangel. You can likewise find my words connected PCGamesN, Fanbyte, PCGamer, Polygon, Esports Insider, and Game Rant.


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