
5 mentalities nigeria youth must drop to succeed

By Victory Akpomedaye

Excuses are a powerful thing. One excuse can negate 100 opportunities." – Bobby Darnell

Nigeria is sitting on a demographic goldmine that could transform the economy. I recall that about 60% of Nigeria's 200 million people are under the age of 25, and that number is expected to increase significantly by 2050.

The country is however endowed with mineral and natural resources that seek to transform the lives of her inhabitants, especially the youth and that is why I find it quite amazing that the majority of the teeming youth have relied on meaningless excuses in achieving their dreams and aspiration.

Without gainsaying, unemployment has now become a norm from time immemorial and the hope of many graduates gainfully employed has been in shambles.

It is no longer a myriad that it is only the high and mighty that get duly employed, only a few percentages, so what happens to the majority without connection? Many Nigerian Youth bank on this anomaly and resign to a fate that education is a scam like some would say, or a waste of time, howbeit, many resort to criminal activities for survival.

Of greater worry is what becomes of the next generation whose destiny lies in the hand of our now Inexcusable youth. We often complain about the government for unemployment and an enabling environment to survive, lack of parental care, poor political cum religious leadership, and the list goes endless. It is noteworthy that the destiny of all, irrespective of class or status is in one's hand. Let me put it well. Your destiny is in your hand.

Many lazy Nigerian Youth today now take shady businesses as a means of livelihood and means of survival, many promising female youth have resulted into prostitution to make a living. Meanwhile, we have all forgotten that life is not a bed full of roses, it comes with its ups and downs. Unfortunately, many love to explore the luxury of life but are very lazy to do something worthwhile and futuristic to achieving their life's goals.

They often forget that the only time to be legitimately successful or otherwise is now when one can still channel both the physical and mental strength to succeed. The jinx of political leadership cannot be broken as the "cult" of power has been shared even to the next generation, idle youth who should be an icon for positive change are used as political thugs and given peanuts to live on.

While some still maintain a high pedigree by engaging their skills and competencies to make a living and enhancing national development, many have allowed themselves to become a burden to themselves and the nation at large. Opportunities in life will not come knocking at one's door but will meet one at the place of productive engagement no matter how little.

As events unfold in the Nigeria today, there will be little or no positive changes to expect from the government on youth development, it is pertinent now to know that to ensure the positive result and have an upcoming generation that will applaud our tenacity, we must embrace legitimate hardwork and stop the blame game.

In the words of Emily Weiss

"You can make a million excuses for why something didn't go well, but ultimately, just fix it and get on with it. Be a solutions person".

5 mentalities nigeria youth must drop to succeed


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